The FBI’s Justifiable Homicide Report released in November
of 2014 stated that 461 people were killed by the police in 2013, which is thehighest rate of police killings in two decades.
Across the nation, black people are three times more likely to be killed by the
police. The nationwide rate of police shootings of civilians is .13 per 100,000 people,
but that rate increases dramatically in Western states. In Albuquerque, my
home, the rate of police shootings is over 30 times the national average, with4 people per 100,000 being shot by the police.
While black men are the most likely to be shot by the cops in population dense
areas, out West, in more sparsely populated areas, it is the mentally ill whoare more likely to be shot by the police.
There are 461 reasons to be angry. There are countless more
stories of police brutality that go unreported due to the undesirability of the
victim, or their mental state. Those are reasons to be angry. And with all that
loss of life, and all those reasons to be angry, there is little to no
accountability for police officers who kill Americans, as few face indictment
by grand juries, let alone criminal consequences for their actions.
The protests in Baltimore are a result of that anger. The
days of peaceful protest and organizing by community leaders are a result of
that anger. The riots last night were a result of that anger. People are free
to form their own opinions on the riots, but if you do not understand why people
are angry, you need to take a closer look at the data and statistics available,
and ask yourself why you’re not more horrified and enraged by police brutality
itself, instead of being horrified by the community’s reaction.
Currently, the state, in the form of the police, appears to
have unchecked power to kill American citizens. They may not be citizens that
look like you, they may not be people you come in contact with, but the state
has an ability to end a human life without any sort of fair trial, and little
to no consequence to the person who committed a crime or murder, justified or
not. This is an issue that affects all Americans. It is an extreme overreach of
state power that should make all citizens of this country nervous.
I have relatives who work in law enforcement, and I fear for
their safety. How can you not? If someone you loved was putting themselves in
dangerous areas, trying to protect people, how could you not be worried about
them? But I realize that the way I fear for my cousin, who chose to be a police
officer in a dangerous area, is the same way countless mothers, fathers,
siblings, and friends fear for those they love. A country with fewer police
shootings will not only protect youth and adults of color, it will hopefully
increase trust in the police, which creates a safer country for us all. This is
an issue that affects us all, whether we fear for our relatives in law
enforcement or our relatives walking peacefully in the street.