King v. Burwell cuts at the heart of one of the key provisions of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare, for those not in the know).
Namely, the idea that people can receive subsidies from the Federal government to sign up for insurance through the health insurance exchange. Currently, people receive a subsidy whether they sign up for
health insurance through a state exchange, or through the Federal
exchange, set up because many states flat-out refused to set up health
insurance exchanges.
Opponents argue that the actual text of the Affordable Care Act only requires subsidies in state exchanges, while the government maintains that if too many people are allowed to opt-out of health insurance, or are forced to because they cannot qualify for the subsidy, only very sick people will have insurance, and our health care system will be back to where it was before Obamacare.
Opponents argue that the actual text of the Affordable Care Act only requires subsidies in state exchanges, while the government maintains that if too many people are allowed to opt-out of health insurance, or are forced to because they cannot qualify for the subsidy, only very sick people will have insurance, and our health care system will be back to where it was before Obamacare.
fearless blogger-with-friends-whose-lives-were-saved-by-Obamacare
applauds this decision, as well as the Chief Justice, who at this point
is one of the best defenders the Affordable Care Act has, even if he
isn't happy about it.
eagerly awaiting decision on Obergefell v. Hodges, a case that will
determine the fate of same-sex marriage. Straight from SCOTUSblog
itself, the questions at issue in Obergefell v. Hodges are, does the 14th Amendment require a state to give a marriage license to a gay couple, and if not, does the 14th Amendment at least require a state to recognize gay marriages that were performed in states where they are legal? The 14th Amendment, if
you remember from 12th grade government class, contains the famous
"Equal Protection Clause" which states that the government cannot "deny
to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
In this case, some justices (let's call them Justice Ginsberg, Kagen, Sotomayor and Breyer) argued that to not give gay couples marriage licenses is to have the state confer a second class status on gay couples. The lawyer for the state answered that the prohibition of same-sex marriage was not about punishing gay couples, but about protecting the institution of marriage, which was centered around producing children. Other justices (who I'll call Justice Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Scalia) argued that the definition of traditional marriage has been around for thousands of years, and it wasn't for the court to decide on this issue.
The justices have
the option of declaring marriage a constitutional right in all states,
by protecting it under the 14th Amendment, ruling that marriages in one
state must be recognized in states across the country, or they could
find against Obergefell, and rule that his marriage is not valid in
states where gay marriage is still illegal (your fearless gay blogger
hopes for the first outcome, because it sure would be nice to remove
laws that, while they do not explicitly mark gay people as second class
citizens, are discriminatory).
We are fast approaching the final decision days for
the Supreme Court, which means the Court will hand down the most high
profile decisions of this year's cases. The court has a flair for the
dramatic, and typically leaves the most controversial cases until the
very end, leaving the rest of us hopelessly refreshing the SCOTUSblog
Twitter, and counting down hours until the next decision day.
In this case, some justices (let's call them Justice Ginsberg, Kagen, Sotomayor and Breyer) argued that to not give gay couples marriage licenses is to have the state confer a second class status on gay couples. The lawyer for the state answered that the prohibition of same-sex marriage was not about punishing gay couples, but about protecting the institution of marriage, which was centered around producing children. Other justices (who I'll call Justice Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Scalia) argued that the definition of traditional marriage has been around for thousands of years, and it wasn't for the court to decide on this issue.
Most likely, it will be Justice Kennedy that proves to be the deciding vote
in the case, so if anyone has his email, I'd love to try to sway him
before Monday, which has been scheduled as the last decision day of the
court. Until then, keep refreshing SCOTUSblog for updates. They're much
quicker with the legalese than I am!